About Closet Rehab

Closet Rehab is a Pittsburgh-based, woman-owned jewelry business that offers unapologetically bold acrylic jewelry and accessories. From our earrings and Apple watch bands to our bags and straps, all our pieces are inspired by shapes, textures, colors, and movement. Closet Rehab designs its jewelry and accessories to spark joy, help you find your inner badass, and empower you to find your true individuality.
Closet Rehab provides more than retail therapy. We provide a channel to express personal style and confidence through accessories.

Meet the Founder, Erica Parr
Erica Parr founded Closet Rehab in 2017 after leaving her corporate job to pursue her dreams and bring new people, places, and things into her life. Those she has met, the places she’s traveled to, and the beautiful things she’s seen all influenced her work with acrylic jewelry and accessories. What started as simply a love of accessorizing and creating quickly flourished into a thriving online boutique.
To this day, Erica still contributes to every design, color, and style featured on Closet Rehab. Whether she’s personally prototyping a new pair of earrings or working with designers to create an eye-catching clutch, she lives and breathes fashion.
Core Values
Empower People
Standing out is no small task. We hope our products encourage people to embrace their unique style and inner strength.
Focus on Quality
Closet Rehab is committed to exceptional craftsmanship and exploring the latest in acrylic material innovations.
Be Accessible
We want to provide a source for high-end, stylish accessories that are accessible to everyone who enjoys our aesthetic and style.

Color, Shapes, & Styles
There is a reason Closet Rehab specializes in cellulose acetate and acrylic jewelry and accessories. There are no other mediums that have the same range of colors, lightness, and versatility.
What’s more, acrylic products provide an accessible path for everyone to get high-end jewelry and accessories. And for us, our customers are everything. We pride ourselves on consistently meeting and exceeding our customers’ expectations with handmade, well-crafted jewelry.
Shop Closet Rehab
Closet Rehab’s jewelry and accessories are certainly statement pieces. But we hope they’re also a way for you to let your personal story shine through. As Closet Rehab grows, we’re continuously finding ways to push past our creative boundaries, exploring innovative techniques and bolder designs. Get started by [shopping online] and following us again on social.